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2 Stuart McCluskey"," 2 Dave Ledbury 2 Daniel Cannon"," 2 Adam Murdoch"," 2 "Doomsday (3)"," "," 1 ~code~CODE 62799,770 1 ~Adventure Link~ 1 ~ALCHEMIST PD~. 1 which has recieved quite a lot of concern over the last month or two! 1 my resident ghostbuster (we havea branch for everything at AR!) and to 1 is the man to thank for this info.","`" 1 d*"ALCHNEWS3" 1 attribute colour 1 and regular 1 and most of 1 after title 1 ZAT and QUEST","`" 1 Your task is highly orginal. After relising that life on Earth is pointless and futile, you must complete several missions which eventually lead to armageddon. The 'edited' version describes each task in aHELP command, but in the 'other'version, it doesn't. I can't say that I got very far in the game but I got far enough to find that this kind of future ismore gruesome than nuclear armageddon."," 1 You should be getting 255 at thetop corner of the screen. Now get one of the end wires and touch it to each of the wires inturn. 1 Woodhouse"," 1 Where in both cases, x is your attribute value. 1 When you've took that little bitoff,you can plug it in and beginto test! There should be six wires, the two end ones are 12v and 0v ground. A multimeter should show this. To get the two INPUTS working, enter this short program... 1 When the number changes to 191 or 223 then label this wire as INPUT ONE. If your number isn'tany of the above, don't worry, so long as it changes. If it doesn't then, use the other end wire! Do the same again to findthe other INPUT TWO. You can also label the end wire as INPUTCONTROL. You can now attach your switches if you wish."," 1 West Wickham"," 1 Welcome back! I hope you went out and bought some stuff. If not, then try your local Maplin shop or your local electronics shop. The parts you will need are a 1 USA, Brazil 1 To execute the code, type 1 This issue...",""," 1 The prices are `18.99 for 48+128and `23.99 for +3 disk. Its notas easy to get any other compilers as they aren't sold anymore, but you should be able topick them up easily. ZIP is available from the YOUR SPECTRUMmagazines. I happen to have them all but I can't arrange a photocopying service as yet. ZIP2 is available from the old CRASH Tech Tape from the late 80's. Colt and MCODER are sadlylong gone, Im afraid. I'd try Turbosoft or OCP or the Ad's in the Spec mags.", 1 The piece of paper included withthe multiface doesn't help much,so the best way to learn is by trial and error, much like I did!. Also, examining the way Genie and Lifeguard work gave mesome clues. When I was on Micronet800, I picked up a couple of proggys. One, by Antony Purvis (Hi purvy, where are you now?!),could scan through the Spectrumsmemory and find the typeface or character set used, and save it to tape! 1 The other copies a screen into the extra 8k RAM, and by some simple programming, when the button is pressed or a RAND USR address called, a custom screen can pop up; much nicer than the boring Sinclair Research one liner!"," 1 The best values are 1 The accompanying letter from David told me that the game had got some publicity already over its content, but I did'nt think that a game had such a power. I was wrong!"," 1 The ROM and RAM tell you how much rom and ram each dvice holds. The multifaces all hold the same. The disciple has 8k, the +D 16 and swift disk has 12. 1 The IN and OUT numbers are the machine code IN values which slots in the exta memory insteadof the other 8k. You 1 THE BOGGIT 1 TAPEZINES & ALCHNEWS"," 1 Steven Mullen"," 1 Stephen Mullen"," 1 Spectrum Software Hire"," 1 South Yorks."," 1 Someone wanted to know what it was like where I lived- well we call it Bid. City or Crow City, simply because 95% of the pop- -ulation is old folk. The only birds we have in Woodhouse are giant Crows. And I mean GIANT. These crows are bigger than somedogs! Their body size is enormous. If you visit Wood- -house, don't mistake them for Pterodactyls!","","Woodhouse is right on the outskirts of Sheffield, five minutes West from M1 Junction 31 1 So, the computer has to divide the memory into equal sections: 16k on the 128 machines or just simply one 8k piece for the multiface. Now, it labels this piece or 'page' with a number. When a machine code instruction is read, the original area of memory is moved away to a safe place and the new page is put there. It's a little bit like aTV set. It can have four channels, but can only access one at a time, so by pressing the right buttons you get a new channel or 'page'. 1 So, lets get to work by finding out what device you use and whatmemory you can get out f it. If you own a Snapshot i.face or a disciple, +D or swift disk, then these also contain RAM. 1 SHEFFIELD"," 1 SCREEN PICTURES"," 1 RED DWARF V. 1 RAND USR 63570 1 QUEST SOFTWARE 1 Propac PD: Alex Kinch"," 1 Price `180 ono. Buyer collects. 1 PROGRAMMERS UTILS"," 1 PRINT UTILS"," 1 PRINT #15;~Hello~ 1 PAGING is the term used when the computer has to deal with different bits of RAM by swapping them around. Every 8 bit computer can only handle numbers from 0 to 65535. When you have extra RAM, it can't put it at 65536 onwards. This is such a shame as it makes using extra RAM much more tedious. The only way this can be done is by having a 16 bit processor inside. This would mean a major redesign of the computer. 1 On the tape was two versions. One was a scaled down version of the original. A little less chilling but all the same was gruesome. The other was the infamous original. I decided torisk playing the original version...", 1 Nowadays, it's really difficult to buy a utility from a softwarestore, so you will have to rely on classified ads and mail orderto get what you want. The only compilers still available are the HISOFT BASIC compilers from TURBOSOFT: Get the address from Your Sinclair", 1 Note, you will also need to PRINT #15; 1 Next month, I'll carry on and tell you how to get your OUTPUT wires working and how to controlthem. Bye for now!","`" 1 Multiface1 159 31 8k 8k Multi 128 159 31 8k 8k Multi+D 128 191 63 8k 8k Multiprint 187 191 8k 8k Multiface3 63 191 8k 8k 1 MULTIFACE OWNERS: 1 Last month, I was approached by David Ledbury, the head of 1 Kent BR4 0AG","Telephone: 1 If you send in a program, you are automatically credited with `1 (5 FREE pieces of software!) You 1 If you don't have a compiler, then shame on you! For the firstarticle, we will explain the pro's and cons of compilers in general then move onto specific compilers."," 1 Hisoft owners add these lines:" 1 GRAPHICS"," 1 GENERAL UTILS"," 1 First, find your 1 Don't assemble this above 49152 as pages are swapped in and out,I usually use 32768. Have fun! 1 Doctor Dark 1 Disciple IN187 OUT187 +D RST8 DB71 OUT231 Swift RST8 DB? RST8 DB?","`" 1 David Walker"," 1 David Ledbury"," 1 Dave Ledbury 1 Darren Randle"," 1 DISK UTILS"," 1 DEVICE IN. OUT ROM RAM ================================ 1 DEVICE IN OUT 1 DEBUG (where are you?)"," 1 BT plug 6 way (631/A) 1 BRIGHT ON, 1 Another was used in conjunction with the Interface one and addedsome nice new * commands to *SAVE & *LOAD programs into a makeshift 8k Ramdisc for 48 users. The only other utils I have heard of are new tape saving routines by L. Needham ofCleethorpes. Ones featured are a new 128 save, turbosave and Firebird byte loader type save. 1 Alex Kinch and PROPAC"," 1 Alec Carswell"," 1 After the first few minutes I had seen animal cruelty at it's worst. Later on, after moving through 20 or so locations the depression began to set in. Thedescriptions of the adventure were very discriptive and can show how politics can really destroy a country. As I said onthe previous page, it seems thata fashist dictatorship has powerof the country and slightly resembles 1 AN3C y 1 ALCHNEWS3 1 ALCHNEWS"," 1 ALCHNEWS ISSUE 3. 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH"," 1 ADVENTURES"," 1 ================================ 1 ;"More..": 1 ;" Bytes free left **": 1 ;" ";(65536 1 ;" " 1 : Y Posn Cursor",";","`" 1 : X Posn Cursor"," 1 : Various Flags"," 1 : PCursor Posn"," 1 : Double height on (cancelled by CTRL code)","`" 1 : Cursor Up 1 : Cursor Right 1 : Cursor Left 1 : Cursor Down 1 : CLS & X-Y at 0,0 1 : 42 ~ ~ 1 : 32 Chars / line 1 : 21 ~ ~ 1 : 16 ~ ~ 1 8 * papercol + inkcol. 1 62800,1537 1 62 Tithe Barn Lane"," 1 6 way flat IPC telephone line cord 1 23606,80: POKE23607,244 1 21;~Hello~ and it will stay in this mode until you PRINT CHR$ 25. 1 200 The End 1 190 Next Issue"," 1 180 Alchemist PD"," 1 170 Hisoft Basic support group"," 1 165 Review: DOOMSDAY"," 1 160 Trading Post"," 1 153 Pickhurst Rise"," 1 150 Hints, tips 'n' pokes"," 1 140 Mystic Dwellings"," 1 137 128 colours modification 1 133 New print from Sceptical"," 1 130 Magic button project (2)"," 1 130 Magic Button Project (2)"," 1 121 Multiface Meddling"," 1 120 The Extended 'TECH SEC'"," 1 12 to clear the as a simple CLS won't work. To change text size, simply PRINT #15; 1 115 More from PAW"," 1 110 Letters & Mini Mag"," 1 101 Front Ends"," 1 081 777 6241 4pm+ 1 .","You could even try 1 .","There are some new system vars to aid this routine."," 1 . Poke this in with 1 . Less romanticplaces include 1 . Im trying to push for a post in 1 ," 5 REM:OPEN#","50 REM:CLOSE#","","Now, fill the screen with text and then call the compiled code!If it happens too fast, add a PAUSE command at line 35.","`" 1 , which is calculated by: 1 , soif you know anyone in Oz with a Speccy, let me know!","`" 1 , but I cant promise miracles! I've offered the contributors free issues of the ones they've wrotefor, but for non-conts., then maybe a 20p levy or so. Its not bad really: about 0.3p per day or 2p per week! NOT INC. P&P","`" 1 , and some switches and bulbs or LEDs equipped with a resistor (2.2K) for 12v electrics. When you've got the cable hooked to the plug, then you will need to shave a bit of plastic to make it fit into the socket. 1 , a futuristic adventureset in this country after maybe a fashist uprising and dictator-ship. The setting resembled scenes in the last 1 , then you will no doubt be aware of Secptical2, the excellent teletext spoof after part 3 of the game. If you've ever had a look in the program, you will see the text is printed by a 42 column print routine used to print the text very smartly. The routine was written by Andy Pennell of Your Spectrum and Hisoft fame. On the next few pages, I'll tell you how to extract the code and use it to make some good effects.","`" 1 *** Andy *** 1 ** SET CLOCK** 1 ** SAVE / LOAD ** 1 ** CHECK MEM ** 1 (TP+H)+" ": 1 "Whats in store"," ", "The kind of programs we will sell or want are on the lines ofthis..."," 1 "What is 'paging'?"," "," 1 "What To Expect"," ", "First, expect the Spectrum mags to end up like the TV Times and see many more independent home grown labels appearing. Fanzineswill die, leaving only the strongest to struggle on. 1 "What Compiler"," ", " 1 "WELCOME!"," ","Some new faces who you'll see around these pages include...",""," 1 "Visit the Woodhouse Resort!"," "," 1 "The Trading Post","`" 1 "The MAGIC BUTTON project"," "," 1 "The Font"," ","If you wish to keep the font on the Sceptical tape, then save 1 "The End As We Know it"," ","Well, the day has finally arrived: the Spectrum is dying and thats official. For the last four years we've realised that support for the Speccy was diminishing, but this month, with the withdrawl of many majorsoftware houses on the computer battlefield and joining the 16 bit army, we are left with one years worth of budget software left.",";","`" 1 "THANKYOU"," ","Contributors hall of fame:",""," 1 "TEC. SEC."," "," 1 "Special offers"," ","Dont forget all my special offers from issues two and threeand theres an AMSTRAD green monitor going for `25 to anyone who can collect it! Dont forget you can buy my magic buttons andthe BBC DPT total entertainment system for sale. Hurry while stocks last!","Bye until June (my birthday!"," 1 "Spaceman Bob"," ","Every issue, we will also give away TOTALY FREE, a mini PAW adventure featuring the adventures of Spaceman Bob.","Each Issue, he will get into a minor 'predicament' and you mustlead him into safety. If you want to write a Spaceman Bob adventure for an issue, and you have PAW or QUILL then you can have a year's sub on us! It needn't include graphics, but you can if they're good!","`" 1 "SOAPBOX"," ","Huh, you must be joking! Honestly, people are like sheep nowadays! You'd think some people would have SOME opinions.Hmmm, never mind, if you wish not to air your opinions, then I suppose I'll drop this sectionin issue 5 and put something more meaningful here, like a black screen. Come on dudes, this is YOUR magazine, so pleasehelp fill it up","`" 1 "SCEPTICAL / BOGGIT UTILS"," ","If you ever bought 1 "Review Special: DOOMSDAY"," "," 1 "Response"," ","When I started writing this ish,it was pathetic, but now, when Im re-editing it (6th March), ithas picked up considerably. Outof all you 30 or so who are official 'Alchies!', I hope you'll stick with us. As an extension of our kindness, issue4 will still be 1 "Research (2);"," ","If you're using graphics, then jot down some ideas on what somepictures could be. Also, note down as many locations as you can which may feature in the adventure. You'll not need to use them all and some will be bad ideas later on.","Next month, we'll cover basic mapping and get an insight into the vocaulary. We may also extend to 10 pages","`" 1 "Removing the code"," ","The code is at 62800 and should be CLEARED at 62799. The Sceptical code has a font and two compressed screens, which should be removed by resaving the code as 1 "RESEARCH"," ","The best place to go when you'vegot your idea is the library. Many large city libraries have gigantic reference sections where there's a wealth of data. Check out some sci-fi books and get a working knowledge of how these writers styles are and howthey grip you to the book. Keepa noteppad with you at ALL timesas it's amazine where and when the ideas come!",";","`" 1 "QUEST SOFTWARE"," ","A new Spectrum & SAM label from 1 "QUEST Address"," ","Quest Software","10 Westerkirk Drive","Madeley","TELFORD","Shropshire","TF7 5RJ","","One note: There are many elements in DoomsDay which people may find upsetting and offending. If you feel this mayinclude you, you are strongly advised to think twice before buying. See the review on page 165 for more details.","`" 1 "Propac PD"," ","A very good Spectrum PD library with hundreds of titles. Im nottoo sure about the service yet as I was sent the wrong stuff and am still waiting a couple ofmonths later...",""," 1 "Paging explained (2)"," "," 1 "Pages 177-179 are empty!","`" 1 "PRO'S & CONS"," ", "Not all compilers are worth their weight in code! Some are extremely heavy and like lead! The ZIP compiler was written in BASIC! Its successor, ZIP2 couldonly handle whole numbers to 32767 and took up half your memory. But, the compiler whichturned my head was the Hisoft one. Both versions (48&128) could handle reals & integers and had an excellent and fast compression system. See te review in ALCHNEWS2 for more details.","`" 1 "PREMIUM SERVICE"," ","If you think you have a program which deserves more than standard PD service then let it be featured in our PREMIUM area where your program can make YOU money and where it will be sold at a higher price for YOU. We take NO cash from you!"," "," 1 "PORT NUMBERS"," ", " 1 "Overall.."," ","Full marks goes to Graham Burtenshaw for an excellent gamewhich would keep many people hooked. His research on the scenario is faultless and very detailed. The mini graphics aregood and he's made good use of the 110k or so of memory avaiable. The promotion for thegame has led some people to believe that it is being over- hyped vy its gruesome image to make it sell more (Vixen?). Personally, I disagree and give Doomsday 96% and hope Graham's next game is just as good.","`" 1 "OUR ADDRESS"," ","Please try and direct your plea to a particular department and it saves our receptionist from wasting time opening letters andpassing them to the relevant area when she could spend more time on her nails!",""," 1 "Now, enter this..."," ","10 CLEAR 49151","20 POKE 23388,23","30 POKE 60433,x: POKE 60431,x","40 POKE 23388,16","30 STOP",""," 1 "Novel Screen Clear"," ","10 FOR x=0 TO 11","20 PRINT AT x,0,,","30 PRINT AT 21-x,0,,","40 NEXT x"," "," 1 "New CHR$ codes"," ", " 1 "NEXT MONTH"," ","Work is currently underway to alter the format of ALCHNEWS. Daniel Cannon has provided us with some very useful tips to convert A.N. He gives us some info on how the Enigma system works. I am not keen on moving to 64 column, but we will probabally be in 40/42 column next time. We are also working on compiling Alchnews into M/C and may use a different data entry system.","`" 1 "Multifaces"," ","Support for the multifaces is very minimal. Micronet once said that it had untapped potential and someone should write a book about it. Now, as Romantic Robot move away from 8 bit computing, it's your last chance to invest in what can be called the Spectrum interface ofit's lifetime.","The Multiface is much more than a device to copy or poke games, its an extra 8K of RAM. This means your Spectrum is now a 64kor 136k machine.",";","`" 1 "Multifaces (4)"," ", " 1 "Multifaces (3)"," ", " 1 "Multifaces (2)"," ", " 1 "More work"," ", "We've also been doing extensive work on print utilities and havecome up with some great tips forowners of the CRL spoof, The Boggit. We've also come across an excellent proportional print utility from an old Your Spectrum, which puts each char next to each other and doesnt leave an uneven messy space likethe standard print does! For a demo screen of this, see page ??? and be amazed!","`" 1 "More PAW"," ","Firstly, don't get TOO ambitiousand try for a perfect master- piece first go. Most writers don't achieve critical status until their third and fourth games. The key to a perfect adventure is research. You can't whip up a classic is a couple of days. First, decide on a storyline. Write out some background story which leads upto th stat of the adventure and pass it around to a few friends.",";","`" 1 "More From PAW"," ","Continuing on from last issue, we'll talk about how to create a great adventure.","We here, will gladly review any ideas or games and can even arrange to publish them, and we don't even rip you off with commission. Lets say 10p from every game sold?","`" 1 "Mini Mag"," ","See page 111 for details. If you wanna play editor, then do me a favour and write 5 pages of whatever you want and send 'em in for a free gift.","`" 1 "Magic Button"," "," 1 "MYSTIC DWELLINGS"," ","For some unknown reason this month, Doctor Dark has'nt got intouch with us at Alchemist Research. So sorry that theres no Mystic Dwellings, and it's probabally down to exams that contribution has been low!","`" 1 "MINUTE (0-59)? ";G: 1 "LETTERS"," ","Well, no queries (pardon?) this month, just lots of requests for A.N. and offers of help. Toall who've offered help, then thankyou and I await your input.But, until I get some valid input, Im gonna have to leave big gaps or stick something elsein it's place.","The same also goes for the trading post. Get every YS reader you know to get subbed. to us! Free gift for every 5 customers you bring!","`" 1 "Hisoft Support Group"," ","Hello to all owners of Hisoft Basic! This section is to help you and owners of other Basic compilers to get more from your utility.","We will feature Hisoft Basic 48, 128 & +3 versions as well asZIP, ZIP2 and COLT & MCODER.",";","`" 1 "Hisoft Continued"," ","The way it was called was also unique. The 48 version used extended basic * commands like *C to compile. The 128 version had a pop down window system, called by pressing the defunct VIDEO keys. The 48 version takes a modest 11k and the 128 version is stored in RAMdisk anduses only 500 bytes of user RAM!","`" 1 "Hints, Tips & Pokes"," "," "," ","Due to circumstances beyond our control we are unable to bring any pokes to you. Sorry!","`" 1 "HOW TO PAY"," ","* Cheques payable to A DAVIS"," ","* CASH: secured down on card. Loose cash tends to get 'lost'"," ","We also support a credit system so if you send too much, you will be in credit in our accounts so you can order again and not have to pay!","`" 1 "HOUR (1-12)? ";G: 1 "FRONT ENDS"," ","102 News","103 News","104 News","105 Our Address","106 Welcome aboard!","107 Response","108 Want a holiday?","109 Spaceman Bob","`" 1 "FOR SALE"," ","BBC Computer system with 1 MEG 5.25~ drive in Viglen PC unit. Lots of hardware like BBC Secondprocessor and AMX mouse and lotsof ROMS etc. Lots of disks of utilities and games. Also stereo sound synthesiser and EPROM pogrammer, joystick inter-face an lots of leads and mags."," 1 "Explained..."," ","The DEVICE is the interface usedNOTE there are two different multiface128's. One is a +D version which will save to disciple and +D."," 1 "Exam Fever"," ","Sadly the country is gripped by election, exam and recession fever but hopefully it won't hitAlchemist Research too much. Also the pessimistic attitude given to the Spectrum by YS and software firms. Hopefully the time will not pass us by. Anywaytheres no way Im giving up Spectrums and moving to Amigas (spit). Have you seen the Spectrum emulator? (tee hee!) ZX-81 simulator would describe it better!","`" 1 "Epilog"," ","Well, I hope that explains that for now. Next month, we'll tackle any problems that we may have uncovered and we'll start to use these new found numbers to use our extra RAM! If you didn't understand anything or think you can do better, drop mea line and you'll definetly get a mention! The address is on page 105.","`" 1 "EXTRA THANX"," ","Non contributors like my girlfriend 1 "END"," "," ","See you in June!","`" 1 "Doomsday (2)"," ", " 1 "Compilers"," "," 1 "Buying from ALCHEMIST PD"," ","Ordering games couldn't be simpler! CLEARLY print your name, address and what progs youwant on a piece of paper and send with a blank tape and SAE to our address, marking the top 1 "Be honest..."," ","They should be honest with you and tell you what they think. D&D and detective games and Hobbit clones are now old hat, so try and think on alternative lines. One good area is Sci-Fi.It has many different sub-areas in it and can be as varied as your imagination can go! So get a brief idea and try to extend it into what could well be a film!",";","`" 1 "Anyway..."," ","Enough garbling on and I hope more of you have time to contribute by June. Those of you who regularly work for Alchemist Research (not just Alcnews) will be pleased to knowthat some of our work found it'sway to 1 "And in Machine code:"," ","DI","LD A,23","OUT (C),A","LD A,attribute","LD (60433),A","LD (60431),A","LD A,16","LD A,16","LD BC,32765","OUT(C),A","EI","RET",""," 1 "Alchemist PD"," ","What I've done is to collect allthe PD programs i've been sent to review or examine, programs I've bought from PD libraries and PD software from Micronet aswell as all the programs I've written. I would also like YOURcontributions, ideas or any- thing else you can spare.","`" 1 "Alchemist PD"," ","Next issue I will include a filewhich shows the list of PD soft-ware I have. I am not fussy what type of programs you send; it can be anything from music togames, and can be for any Spectrum machine. Please could you send your contributions on TAPE only as I don't have a diskdrive yet! Enclose an SAE if youwant your tape back.","`" 1 "ALCHNEWS3" 1 "ALCHNEWS ISSUE 3."," "," 1 "ALCHEMIST RESEARCH"," "," Pages 187 to 189 are empty.","`" 1 "ALCHEMIST PD"," ", "For some reason, Ive had lots ofletters this month asking Alch. Research to start a PD library. After lots of thought and lookedat some other libraries, I've decided: 1 "A result!"," "," 1 "128 COLOUR CHANGE"," ","Are you sick of editing in boring black on white in 128 mode? Well no more as it's extremely simple to change it toany colour you want!", " 1 "..."," ","Thankyou for all the letters andcomments recieved since Februaryand please carry on writing and contributing. Talks are under- way with the adventure tapezine 1 "..."," ","So don't be alarmed if suddenly a mag or tape doubles in size, it will benefit in the long run.But, until the axe falls in 1993keep on supporting this brave little computer: after all, it'sonly 10 years old and imagine what hell it'll create when it becomes a teenager:","","Spectrum, Rebel without a 16bit!","`" 1 ","Send an SAE for the games list. Prices are `1.50 for 4 titles or`2.75 for 8. Send a blank tape too for your titles.","`" 1 ","Ive got a collection of about fifty or so PD progs. and the list is steadily growing","`" 1 ","If you have any tips or uses forthis utility, let me know. 1 ","10 PRINT AT 0,0;IN 49152;~ ~ 20 GOTO 10"," 1 ","","SELECT RAM 7","POKE 60431,x POKE 60433,x",""," 1 ","","Next month: more on the button and multifaces. Sections on drives and printers. Swap modeson a 128 and connect two spectrums together by VTX 5000's","`" 1 ","","Most of these guys (why no girls?) will be writing revues and Daniel Cannon will hopefullysupply us with some very useful proggys! We'll also get input from PROPAC PD, ZAT, Quest, and a BB chappie or two! We're alsoDEBUG friendly, when this new mag appears!","`" 1 "***"," ","Next issue, we will go in-depth into each compiler listed here, but for now, here is a short program which gives a novel way of clearing the screen, suitablefor all compilers capable of FORNEXT loops and printing. If you're not sure, try it and see!",";","`" 1 "***"," "," "," 197 to 199 are for rent!","`" 1 "** :-> **"," ","Well, seeing as it's a shame to leave two perfectly good pages empty, I'll just tell you what Alchemist Research have been up-to this last month...","Firstly, we've been distributingthe tape into Eastern Europe; (Glasnost rules!), and been in close contact with a few PD groups. We were also contacted by Dave Ledbury of ZAT and his new 1 who manages to drag me away from my work once in a lifetime! 1 who has discovered Spiritualism (nice boy!)","`" 1 who gave me my initial break into the fast paced world of Spectrum/SAM writing. Hi to 1 who always gives me a fresh challenge every phone call! 1 use the BASIC IN and OUT commands topage in the extra RAM."," 1 to protect a new release on their label. The game in question was called 1 of ZAT fame. The newest release is the chilling Spectrum 128k adventure 1 label to protect one of his new adventures. For moredetails, see the ad in the ads area.","`" 1 is available on tape for `4 or `5 on +3 3.5~ disk only. 1 into maybe doing some sort of merger. Alchnews is also being re-vampedand converted for the SAM coupe and there are even secret plans on a conversion to a certain 16 bit machine!","`" 1 have the cash! 1 and to try it, type 1 and some bullet scathed work managedto get to 1 accept chequespayable to DAVID LEDBURY.","The address is on the next page",";","`" 1 I also wrote a couple which are available for 50p if you want tobuy them. One installs a new font into the Spectrum when you press the button. 1 Contact address on page 107 and put BBC ENQUIRY at the top.","","Could be used for a BB or to write a fanzine.","`" 1 1992 Alchemist Research 1 can help, by passing on the message and distributing copies of tapezines and fanzines aroundand get more customers. We're not after you're money (How can I be when its free!?!), but you can expect some mags to join forces...",";","`" 1 The cost of each program is 20p. Order 10 programs and the cost is `1.50. "," ","How to pay:","`" 1 ** "; 65536 1 which are black text on green & white on black. You will need tochnage the BORDER yourself. 1 ALCHNEWS ISSUE 3. n